It’s New Year, a time for new beginnings and promises of a brighter future, but have you taken a moment to get clear on where you would like to get to? 

How was the last quarter of 2024 for you? Did you ever feel like all you did was simply survive each day? Basically just holding onto your seat and see where the day takes you rather than feel in control? 

Well having a clear business vision will serve you if you currently feel like the wheels are spinning instead of making traction in your salon/centre/practice. Feeling overwhelmed and like you are in chaos is common for business owners but that doesn’t have to be the way! 

Oftentimes, when we are in the thick of it, we can’t see the woods for the trees but by taking the time to step back and lean on the tools that are available to you, we can help you move forward

How do we end up in Chaos in the first place? 

  1. We are listening to too much information from too many different sources
  2. We have a lack of structure leading us to overwhelm. 

When we listen to multiple sources of information – how are we to be sure that the person giving the advice truly knows and understands your situation at hand? If you notice that you are spending too much time seeking out ‘the next quick fix’ then your first strategy is to “Stop Listening, Start Implementing!”

If you lack structure and are overwhelmed, I have great news for you! We’ve got your back! There are three keys to unlocking productivity and success for your business

  1. Vision – Having a true vision of where you are going and effectively communicating this to the team around you is imperative if you want their buy in and for them to be motivated to get on board. Too often we as leaders hold our cards too close to our chests, concerned about driving people away. However the truth of the matter is that people want to be part of growth. “If you aren’t growing, you are dying” Tony Robbins. So do not hold back your vision – share it! Be Real, Be Raw! 
  2. Strategy – Bitesized goals to know which action to take to move us closer to the overall vision. It is natural to feel overwhelmed if you are trying to focus on anything that is more than 90 days away. So that’s why we teach our Canine Care Hub Club to live in  ‘90 Day Worlds’ and set Quarterly ‘Defined Implementable Goals’ (D.I.G.S)  
  3. Action – Clear steps and accountability – Lean on your tools and processes to support you in achieving the goals outlined in your strategy. 

All three keys are integral to your success – skipping one or the other results in that chaos/ overwhelm that we are trying to avoid. 

Vision without Action = is a fantasy, not a business 

Action without Vision = Burnout! – There is no guarantee that you will achieve what you need to achieve even if you smash through your to-do list every week. 

Dictating Actions without sharing Vision = a perfect way to have a disengaged, unmotivated, drama-filled team. 

Take the time to share your vision with your team and ask them to help collaborate with the strategy and see the action getting taken with more purpose, understanding and buy-in. Resulting in an empowered team and a business that gains momentum every 90 Days.  

Do you need help building your Canine Business’ Vision? 

Are you not sure which lever to pull first to move you towards profit? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start in 2025? If you’re ready to get clear on your vision and take control of your year, I’m looking for my next 3 participants for a focused mini-course designed to help you move forward with confidence.

Here’s what’s included:

  • 3 days of 1:1 coaching tailored to your needs
  • 45-minute calls to guide and support you
  • Actionable steps each day to create clarity and momentum
  • Support documents to keep you on track

By the end of this mini-course, you’ll have a solid strategy and vision for the first quarter of 2025, helping you turn overwhelm into action and direction … and the best part? It’s FREE!  

Ready to make it happen? Click here to apply

Here to help you grow and thrive in 2025

P.S. Feeling stuck is temporary, but taking action is transformational. Don’t let 2025 slip by without a plan! This mini-course is your chance to start strong and stay focused. Let’s make it happen together! 💪 Apply Here

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